It’s A Jungle Out There
May 9, 2013
Poor Harry. Thank God the Fort Fairfield Police brought this beautiful gentle soul to HHPR. He’s young, neutered, declawed and nothing but skin on bones. Where to begin…

Harry at Intake
Warmth, love, food. Treat for parasites, and make an appointment with PIAH.
Harry had a serious case of internal parasites and we treated him for that thinking this was sapping all the nutrients from his food. But after two weeks, he had not gained one ounce despite eating like a pig. So it was time to return to the doctor.
Harry stayed at the hospital for testing. He needed blood work to check out a few things. He could not ever recover the way he came in and I felt he deserved the chance to get well. I told Dr. Nick that we would give him this chance. I had no idea what the tests were going to turn up and wondered how far to go, but “something” told me to give this guy a chance. HHPR directors agreed and so we moved forward.
Tests showed a thyroid condition. There were a few options but only one of them made sense, which was to have the thyroid removed. Luckily, cats have two thyroid glands and only one of them came out. Harry came through well and he’s back on the recovery road.
Then I realized Harry was our 1,000 intake – and he so accurately represents what HHPR does.
UPDATE October 2013: After several months in loving foster care, Harry’s condition worsened and the decision was made to say goodbye before his suffering grew worse. We are all deeply saddened by this loss.