My name is Roberta and I am almost 6 years old. For most of my life I have lived here on the farm with my Mum and Dad – he calls me Baby. Mum keeps telling me I am a good girl, which makes me happy so I purr all the time. I talk too, a lot, they tell me.
Before moving here, I remember living in Norma and Everett Milton’s garage at Madawaska Lake, with a lot of other cats. I really did not want to leave cause they were so good to me. Now I know Norma and Everett took care of cats like me, who could not take care of themselves and had no other home. I am so happy they made room for me.
Yes, I have a friend too. He was a stray from Calais, Me who needed his own family also. His name is Lucky. We like being together and I like to know where he is all the time because I don’t want to miss anything.
I owe my life to Norma and Everett who rescued me. God Bless them, especially Norma, for the work she and her helpers continue to do saving other cats and finding them good homes.